Source: The pre-1975 data are the Consumer Price Index statistics from Historical Statistics of the United States (USGPO, 1975). All data since then are from the annual Statistical Abstracts of the United States.
This is Morgan, creator of the Inflation Calculator. Thank you for using the site! If you like this Website, then you might also like my other projects on my personal old-fashioned “web site”: Morgan Friedman’s Ceci N’est Pas Une Homepage.
- Consumer Price Index Home Page at the Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Consumer Price Index Conversion Factors
- Statistical Abstract of the United States, from the Census Bureau
- Inflation Calculator in Java
- Current Value of Old Money
- Canadian Inflation Calculator
What cost $20.0000000 in 1977 would cost $102.28 in 2023.
Also, if you were to buy exactly the same products in 2023 and 1977,
they would cost you $20.0000000 and $3.79 respectively.
Do you want to do another calculation?
Creator & Maintainer: Morgan Friedman
Other sites of mine: Spanish Etymology – Learn Spanish with Etymologies