To amuse myself, I like finding words within other words. This page is a listing of such words my friends and I have compiled; at the end of the page are some good ones I thought of in Spanish as well.
The only rule for the game is that the two words can’t be historically related (‘room’ in ‘ballroom’ is lame, for example). And the more surprising the sound difference (such as ‘ought’ in ‘drought’; or one of my favorites: ‘love’ in ‘slovenly’!) the better. Have fun!
Got any more? Let me know: And you might enjoy my new web site, too: The Pompous Asses
You put the…
star in startle |
arm in charm |
arch in oligarch |
pet in mon petit |
curv in scurvy |
lever in clever |
turn in turnip |
rest in restaurant |
ought in drought |
grin in grind |
sigh in sight |
urge in splurge |
icky in picky/tricky |
love in slovenly |
man in manifold |
can in candor |
hut in shuttle |
cue in rescue |
lust in lackluster |
bra in vibrate |
cry in crystal |
isp in crisp |
want in wanton |
age in language |
ugh in laughter |
laughter in slaughter |
fun in fundamentalist |
mental in fundamentalist |
bit in ambition |
red in credit |
on in moon |
pass |
ass in passion |
rue in accrue |
antelope in cantelope |
urn in turn |
lime in sublime |
van in nirvana |
cult in culture |
gem in hegemon |
tuna in fortunate |
ink in think |
retch in stretch |
moot in smooth |
net in magnetic |
lady in malady |
irk in quirk |
ape in paper |
table in irresistable |
vat in activate |
fan in infantile |
rate in courage |
sage in passage |
arc in larceny |
tray in betrayal |
ace in bracelet |
rim in crimson |
rote in protection |
leg in illegal |
pet in carpet |
city in paucity |
eat in leather |
lame in lament |
nun in pronunciation |
fur in furtive |
gas in orgasm |
stud in student |
chic in psychic |
harm in pharmacy |
log in kilogram |
lack in black |
boa in board |
bit in exhibitionist |
ion in optional |
trip in strip |
hop in shop |
hit in shit |
ant in want |
pant in pants |
or in horse |
oar in hoarse |
id in provide |
rope in europe |
rust in thrust |
ice in license |
pit in palpitate |
cat in catholic |
live in delivery |
enter in center |
gin in engineer |
cute in execute |
ham in shampoo |
lie in believe |
one in money |
tong in tongue |
wish in jewish |
sad in saddle |
if in life |
car in scary |
lick in slick |
very in everything |
tart in start |
rough in drought |
tap in metaphor |
sport in transportation |
bee in beef |
team in steam |
lab in labor |
sin in business |
sue in issue |
fact in factory |
out in couth |
tot in asymptote |
his in whisper |
all in alloy |
cast in sarcastic |
tag in heritage |
lend in blender |
lust in illustrate |
anger in dangerous |
tome in customer |
tip in multiply |
germ in germane |
tar in starve |
text in texture |
ark in sparkle |
win in swing |
hard in orchard |
rage in garage |
top in utopia |
lamb in lambast |
nature in signature |
test in protestant |
ram in frame |
hit in white |
list in listen |
call in scallion |
hot in dichotomy |
rut in truth |
cap in capture |
pot in depot |
oil in spoil |
rail in trail |
ask in task |
liver in sliver |
rest in forest |
pit in spite |
rum in rummage |
ten in tenor |
rake in brake |
ire in wire |
rod in rodeo |
rid in pride |
early in clearly |
ration in inspiration |
emu in demure |
vent in prevention |
epic in epicenter |
apt in capture |
spit in spite |
crib in scribble |
scent in ascent |
cut in cute |
chin in urchin |
reed in freedom |
goo in goose |
duct in product |
num in number |
ugh in enough/throughout/rough |
maze in amaze |
fan in fantastic |
lip in slip |
dumb in dumbwaiter |
fun in dysfunctional |
belie in unbelievable |
rib in moribund |
euro in neurotic |
ring in stringent |
cuba in incubation |
tea in instead |
inner in dinner |
ire in hired |
ass in glass |
hot in photocopy |
room in broom |
ran in orange |
lip in clipboard |
lion in million |
tea in instead |
ring in stringent |
host in ghost |
sole in obsolete |
hub in hubris |
ouch in touch |
heat in theater |
sin in easiness |
wage in sewage |
rat in fraternity |
the rapist in therapist |
star in startle |
arm in charm |
bit in bitter |
dame in fundamentalist |
bee in beer |
star in starve |
event in prevention |
room in groom |
ass in grass |
ass in brass |
spa in spark |
car in cargo |
bar in embargo |
mal in malefactor |
anal in analysis |
eel in steel |
riff in tariff |
flat in inflation |
itch in bitch |
meow in homeowner |
trance in entrance |
fancy in infancy |
rap in rape |
age in courage |
ho in showbusiness |
rot in protein |
rant in restaurant |
butt in butter |
fee in coffee |
our in flour |
read in bread |
ring in spring |
hole in the whole |
id in kid |
ape in paper |
astronomy in gastronomy |
risk in asterisk |
arch in patriarch |
here in where |
vat in excavations |
gem in management |
nail in snail |
fug in refuge |
ear in year |
lend in calendar |
sign in design |
colon in colony |
car in carbon |
down in landowner |
tine in continental |
list in minimalistic |
over in recovery |
eve in level, even, |
last in plastic |
ago in agony |
dive in biodiversity |
onto in ontology |
loss in glossary |
nation in urination |
air in lair,dairy,fair,pair |
now in snow |
act in character |
miss in emission |
rust in crust |
ice in voice, slice,spice,price,mice,dice,vice,nice,rice |
alley in valley |
tall in metallic |
stance in substance |
low in flow |
low in clown |
oil in soil |
lay in clay |
plan in plant |
elm in helmet |
son in mason |
And a few en Español…
Vos ponés el/la….
ala en ojala |
una en luna |
luna en lunatica |
ocio en emocionado |
razon en corazon |
gente en inteligente |
rio en barrio |
mina en caminar |
cantar en encantar |
culo en ridiculo |
hora en ahora |
comer en comercial |
lama en reclamar |
amor en amorfo |
Let me know ifyou think of any more!
Morgan‘s Web site